Welcome to the final post in the series discussing the consequences of rent control. Thank you to the subscribers who have patiently awaited each new post. I hope everyone found it enlightening. If you haven't read the entire series, you can catch up with these links: Rent Control Part One: … [Read more...]
Watch as “Expediters” Become Scapegoats of Corruption and Incompetence
It's easier to look at the symptom: corruption, than treat the disease: government over-regulation: Chicago Tribune: Role of expediters under scrutiny as federal probe targets City Hall corruption The unsung and highly specialized role these private individuals play in the workings of city … [Read more...]
Bribery for Property Rights: Federal Charges in Chicago
NBC5 has an update listing the people involved and video here: New Corruption Charges Hit Building, Zoning Departments Chicago Tribune: U.S. to announce charges against 15 in city bribe-taking probe (thanks to Dan M. for the tip) Federal authorities are set to announce charges Thursday against … [Read more...]
Lower East Side Now “Endangered”?
photo by flickr user paytonc The National Trust for Historic Preservation announced that New York City's Lower East Side, famous for it's history of tenements and slums, is one of 11 architectural, cultural, and natural heritage sites that are most at risk "for destruction or irreparable damage." … [Read more...]
A Recipe to Destroy Affordability in Any City.
Austin Contrarian discusses an article that describes how Seattle has become less affordable in recent years. He prescribes a recipe for Austin to become what he calls a "Superstar City" such as New York, Boston, San Francisco, or Seattle. By "Superstar City", I assume he means an ultra-hip place … [Read more...]
“Change” Not Welcome in Harlem: Neighbors Cause Commotion as Harlem Rezoning Passes
Limousine Liberals aren't the only ones who oppose change. In Harlem, neighbors fought to keep new people out of their neighborhood, and want to force gentrification upon other neighborhoods. In the process they created such a stir at Wednesday's Council session, they had to be cleared out. It's … [Read more...]
Abolition of Density Restrictions Would be Great for NYC In The Long Run
Tyler Cowen of Marginal Revolution asks a great question: How good would the abolition of zoning in New York City be? He argues that zoning restrictions prevent Manhattan from being a "forest of skyscrapers" such as Sao Paulo. Many of Manhattan's skyscrapers are much taller than typical Sao Paulo … [Read more...]
Carroll Gardens: Sign the Pro-Development Petition
Whoever is putting together this petition, please let Market Urbanism readers know how to sign the petition. Gowanus Lounge: Carroll Gardens Rumor Mill: "Pro-Development" Petition? … [Read more...]