An old dorm becomes a new shelter for homeless families in DC.
Decriminalizing Jaywalking: The Early Data
In recent years, three states have legalized or decriminalized jaywalking: Virginia and Nevada did so in early 2021, and California legalized jaywalking at the start of 2023. The traditional argument for anti-jaywalking laws is that they protect pedestrians from themselves, by limiting their ability to walk in dangerous traffic conditions. If this argument made sense, […]

Arlington Missing Middle lawsuit decision
Thanks to local journalist Margaret Barthel for finding and posting the elusive judicial decision that has struck down Arlington, Virginia’s, missing middle ordinance, pending appeal.

Agenda: Dynamic congestion pricing for autonomous vehicles
Autonomous vehicles will cause a congestion apocalypse on downtown streets unless we price their use of the roads.

A Case for Urban Renewal
By Salim Furth
Is it even possible today to write a vigorous argument in favor of the urban renewal policies of the 1950s? I doubt it. Jeanne Lowe’s 1967 “Cities in a Race with Time* is a sympathetic account of the urban renewal era in its own terms. How does it hold up?

Master Classes
By Salim Furth
Check out Alain Bertaud’s Master Class lecture at CEPT University in Ahmedabad, India.

Transit oriented development in Bengaluru could lead to additional $64 Million per year
By Sahil Gandhi
A new paper in the Journal of Development Economics by Liming Chen, Rana Hasan, Yi Jiang, and Andrii Parkhomenko estimates the welfare gains of Transit Oriented Development in Bengaluru. The Bengaluru metro or the Namma metro is around 170Km long including the planned sections. Bengaluru has low building heights and the paper’s counterfactual depends on […]

Hot takes and pensées, #UEA2024
By Salim Furth
Delete all Seattle’s highways. Invent new neighborhoods. Explain macroeconomic trends with home size. Money flows uphill to water. Do NIMBYs really hate density? Urban economics is on a tear.
Where sale prices are going up
The conventional wisdom (based on Census estimates) seems to me that urban cores have lost population since COVID began, but are beginning to recover. But mid-decade Census estimates are often quite flawed. These estimates are basically just guesses based on complicated mathetmatical formulas, and often diverge a bit from end-of-decade Census counts. Is there another […]

Book Review: (de)Coding Mumbai
By Salim Furth
In Mumbai, there is a specific type of architect who has become the interpreter of regulations and there are those architects who are aestheticians working on building skins. As much as there is convenience in this split, it has taken away a big part of the agency of the architects in the city.

Toward an Erdmann synthesis
By Salim Furth
Kevin Erdmann argues that mortgage credit standards are too tight. Others say the federal government is subsidizing homeownership. Can they both be right?

Congestion Pricing: Traffic Solver or Sin Tax?
The goal of congestion pricing is not to penalize car trips but to smooth demand over a more extended time to reduce congestion. Unfortunately, many new congestion pricing schemes seem designed to ban cars rather than manage demand for car trips. This article appeared originally in Caos Planejado and is reprinted here with the publisher’s […]

Stone: Diversity didn’t cause the baby bust
By Salim Furth
A new paper proposes that increasing diversity explains 90% of the recent decline in birthrates. Lyman Stone says it’s nonsense.