1. Mumbai is rethinking its density bonuses for developers who build parking lots and hand them over free of charge to the city. 2. Tort liability driving away possible MARC operators. 3. San Mateo County legislators threaten to charge San Franciscans a congestion charge similar to the one … [Read more...]
Private parking contracting giving ‘privatization’ a bad name
In the past Market Urbanism has been lukewarm on parking "privatization" (Adam on Chicago and me on LA), but I'm becoming more and more convinced that it's a bad idea. To start off with, these "privatizations" are actually private contracting schemes – the "owners" are barely even allowed to set … [Read more...]
A question and a link list
Hey guys, before I start this link list, I wanted to ask: Has anybody had trouble posting comments here with Disqus lately? Either you can't post them, or once you do they disappear? I've gotten two complaints in the last few days, so if you've been experiencing any problems please don't hesitate … [Read more...]
Almost-Thanksgiving list
Unfortunately, none of these things are really things to be thankful for: 1. 81% of Americans disagree with Kelo v. City of New London in a 2009 survey, with the wording being quite generous to the pro-takings side. 2. Who possibly could have thought this was a good idea? It's like they took … [Read more...]
NJ, the far West Side, and LIC should pay for the No. 7 subway expansion
The transit blogosphere has been falling over itself with excitement since yesterday about Bloomberg's proposal to extend the No. 7 train into New Jersey, and I have to agree that it sounds like a very good plan. It would be much cheaper than the recently-axed ARC project and wouldn't involve a … [Read more...]
When will New Jersey reverse its sprawling ways?
by Stephen Smith New Jersey has always been an odd state – it's the most densely populated of the fifty, and yet it lies just outside of the core of both of its metro areas (Philadelphia and New York). North Jersey does have a formidable number of mid-sized cities, but the biggest – Newark - is … [Read more...]
The Great American Streetcar Myth
by Stephen Smith Among liberals in the planning profession today, the story of the Great American Streetcar Conspiracy is widely known. There are more nuanced variants, but it goes something like this: Streetcars were once plentiful and efficient, but then along came a bunch of car and oil … [Read more...]
“Buy American” drives up cost of transit
by Stephen Smith As if America's public transportation networks weren't hobbled enough by union wages and pensions, the Obama administration's "Buy American" pandering is adding to the burden. One streetcar line in Houston has been sent back to the drawing board because it didn't comply with … [Read more...]