During a working vacation in the Netherlands, I had the dissonant experience of reading Friedrich Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom in one of the most comprehensively planned environments on earth. Hayek’s thesis is that central economic planning displaces competitive markets and, when broadly applied, … [Read more...]
How Should We Interpret Jane Jacobs?
At first blush, the enterprise of interpreting the Jane Jacobs' work might seem like one best left to the proud and peculiar few, or to put it less charitably, those of us with nothing better to do. Yet the forces of history militate against this apathy: Jane Jacobs has emerged as quite possibly the … [Read more...]
new speech on market urbanism vs. new urbanism
I just spoke at a conference at Fordham on market urbanism and how it is similar to (and different from) new urbanism. The speech can be found here. … [Read more...]
What good is form-based zoning when you just keep everything the same?
"Form-based zoning" is something that I've never entirely understood. It's always explained to me as regulating form not use, and generally the example given is that form-based zoning will require certain design aesthetics but not dictate whether something is used as a residence or a place of … [Read more...]
How Important Are Skyscrapers, Really?
Mary Newsom, in a review of Ed Glaeser's new book Triumph of The City, makes some arguments about skyscrapers that I've never heard before: In his eyes, skyscrapers are the height of green living. But as architect Michael Mehaffy and others have pointed out, tall buildings can be less … [Read more...]
Duany bashes LEED standards
Andrés Duany, leader of the New Urbanism movement, comes out against LEED standards: He said that high-density development in urban locations which entail less reliance on private cars should get a free pass on energy efficiency or energy generation standards. "Don't make apartment dwellers … [Read more...]
Terrorism and cities, then and now
I don't want to give anyone the impression that I (or Robert Fogelson) thinks that the threat of nuclear war in the 1950s was anything but a minor footnote in the history of American decentralization, but this bit from Fogelson's Downtown (I finally finished! – review forthcoming) caught my … [Read more...]
Matt Yglesias attacks parking maximums, outs himself as a market urbanist
Matt Yglesias has been on a roll lately with the urbanism posts, all of which have a heavy "market urbanist" slant, but it's this post about parking reform in/around Boston (riffing off of this Boston Globe article) that seals the deal for me: Regulators pushing developers to build less parking … [Read more...]