File under "sad", not under "surprising": We provide evidence of intensified discriminatory behavior by landlords in the rental housing market during the eviction moratoria instituted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using data collected from an experiment that involved more than 25,000 inquiries of … [Read more...]
Long-form link list
1. Another empirical paper claiming that anti-density zoning increases racial segregation: Previous research on segregation stresses things like urban form and racial preferences as primary causes. The author finds that an institutional force is more important: local land regulation. Using two … [Read more...]
This is how gentrification happens: Northwest DC and the height restriction
Lydia DePillis wrote the Washington City Paper's cover story on the case for Congress overturning DC's height limit, which should be very familiar to readers of this blog. It's got some interesting history in it (DC's height limit was apparently influenced by George Washington's personal aesthetics, … [Read more...]
Empirical evidence that anti-density zoning breeds racial segregation
With nothing quick to blog about and not being in the mood to write something long, I dug into the Google Scholar pool for some interesting empirical work, which is something this blog hasn't featured in a while. This paper shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, but it's interesting empirical work … [Read more...]
Darien, CT gets sued by the DOJ over inclusionary zoning
The New York Times has an interesting article about a Justice Department probe into Darien, CT's local inclusionary zoning rules. Inclusionary zoning means essentially that multi-unit developments have to offer a portion of the project as "affordable housing," which invariably means charging … [Read more...]
Sowell: Green “Disparate Impact”
NIMBYism and exclusionary zoning has helped "preserve the character" of desirable urban areas by driving out the economically unfortunate. Green Disparate Impact … [Read more...]