This is probably my favorite link list yet...enjoy! 1. The WSJ claims that delinquent homeowners can expect to stay in their homes after making their last mortgage payment – that is, they can live rent-free – for at least 16 months. The longer it takes for foreclosures to happen, the longer it … [Read more...]
Another Angle on Planning in Houston
Brian Phillips at Live Oaks contacted me regarding the recent post by Stephen Smith on planning in Houston. Brian is a long time opponent of land use restrictions and defender of property rights in Houston. Brian has a different point of view on the subject, and has written a post on his blog, … [Read more...]
Urban[ism] Legend: Is Houston really unplanned?
by Stephen Smith It seems to be an article of faith among many land use commentators – both coming from the pro- and anti-planning positions – that Houston is a fundamentally unplanned city, and that whatever is built there is the manifest destiny of the free market in action. But is this true? … [Read more...]
The Market, Zoning, and Freedom.
J. Brian Phillips wrote a great post at Houston Property Rights about liberal property rights in Houston, but what Brian had to say applies to every place. Here's a snippet, but the entire post deserves a reading: when developers and builders see a need for greater density, they respond … [Read more...]
Glaeser on Affordability of NY vs Houston
Harvard Economist Ed Glaeser wrote an opinion piece in the New York Sun about the differences in housing affordability and other costs of living between Houston and New York. New York is naturally more expensive than Houston because the geographical constraints force higher density development, … [Read more...]
Historic Preservation Can Work in the Marketplace
Houston Strategies - Historic preservation should be a neighborhood choice "In Houston's Old Sixth Ward, the city's first fully protected district, property values have shot up 27 percent in the last year. When given the chance, historic preservation works." This is great news! It means there … [Read more...]
Recent Links 4/24/08: PA Turnpike, NYC Rezoning, Tudor City NIMBYs, Houston Zoning
Out of Control blog: Terms of Potential PA Turnpike Lease Announced Curbed NYC 4/22/08: Developer-Driven Rezoning Prepares to Enter Ring AMNY 4/24/08: Residents fight Tudor City development Curbed NYC 4/24/08: Neighborhood Love: Tudor City Residents Suing to Block Solow Houston … [Read more...]