Apologies to everyone for the light posting – over the next few weeks I may be a bit busy with job and internship applications (any suggestions for work or job offers would be very much appreciated!), but hopefully I'll still be able to put up a few posts a week. But for now, all you get is this … [Read more...]
Matt Yglesias’ proposal for reforming DC’s ANC’s
At the risk of turning Market Urbanism into Reblogging Matt Yglesias, here's another interesting post from the blogosphere's most famous market urbanist about reforming DC's Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) system. After discussing a recent decision by an ANC incumbent to deny Five Guys … [Read more...]
Mortgage-interest tax deduction cuts on the table
Urbanism doesn't get a lot of breaking news (that is, unless Eric Fidler's prediction pans out), but this might be an exception: the WSJ is reporting that Obama's (bipartisan?) deficit commission is considering cutting the mortgage-interest tax deduction. The reports are all very speculative, but … [Read more...]
Matt Yglesias attacks parking maximums, outs himself as a market urbanist
Matt Yglesias has been on a roll lately with the urbanism posts, all of which have a heavy "market urbanist" slant, but it's this post about parking reform in/around Boston (riffing off of this Boston Globe article) that seals the deal for me: Regulators pushing developers to build less parking … [Read more...]
Sunday links
1. Planners in the Twin Cities have decided to "back away from the age-old compact in which the state tries to keep pace with suburban expansion" (i.e., they're canceling new outer road projects) and add toll/bus lanes to highways in the inner metro area. Republican governor and business on one … [Read more...]
Cap’n Transit comes out of the closet as a market urbanist
...sort of. He never quite cops to it, but he says he "appreciates" libertarianism's arguments (unlike some people), and gives this great summary of what we here call the market urbanist narrative: In the past, private companies ran the trains, interurbans, trolleys and buses. They were usually … [Read more...]
Friday links
1. Miller-McCune (what a bad name for a magazine) has an article about a possible VMT tax, and points out that more fuel-efficient vehicles will lead to less gas tax revenue. 2. Streetsblog has an extremely unflattering profile of Republican nominee for NY Governor Carl Paladino. He made a name … [Read more...]
New York City links
There are a couple of NYC-related links that I've been saving up, so here they are: 1. Stephen Goldsmith, former mayor of Indiannapolis and NYC's new deputy mayor, appears to be interested in privatizing New York City's parking meters in order to balance the city's budget. We're more interested … [Read more...]
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