John McCain and Hillary Clinton have both supported the idea of a "Gas Tax Holiday". The whole idea of a Holy Day to celebrate the worship of socialized transportation catered by Santa Clinton/McCain seems pretty absurd to me. Nonetheless, they expect pandering to gas-addicted voters to pay off in … [Read more...]
Private Streets in Brooklyn?
This isn't some crazy proposal, they have been private since the 20's and 30's. It seems there are advantages and disadvantages. You don't have to worry about street parking when you own the street, but you have to hire your own contractor to make repairs. My main concern is that those homeowners … [Read more...]
Privatize Midway Airport
If Chicago's Midway Airport is privatized, I'll be looking forward to flying in there. (And it won't just be to satisfy cravings of Italian beef sandwiches and hot dogs at the food court.) It's success may depend on the how much (or hopefully how little) the city regulates the airport's contracts … [Read more...]
Colbert: Free Gas!
Watch it right here: And also, Kunstler on oil & suburbia: … [Read more...]
Should the Government Build the Cars or the Roads?
I tend to agree that there is some hypocrisy in the conservative/libertarian world when it comes to transportation, which is part of the reason I started this blog. A more free-market transporation system would certainly lead to a more urban land use pattern; something between pre-auto, … [Read more...]
McCain: Suspend the Gas Tax and Inflate the Deficit
I favor Bob Poole's solution: "The longer-term solution is to scrap the 20th-century tax-and-grant system in favor of universal tolling, managed by each state’s Department of Transportation and private toll companies." Furthermore, get the federal government out of the business of subsidizing … [Read more...]
Was it the name that killed “congestion pricing”?
Congestion pricing links: Why Congestion Pricing Died wsj poll suggests "clearway", "freeflow", and others: Why Not ‘FreeFlow’? A Buzzwatch Makeover for NYC’s Failed Traffic Plan Trendczar: Congested Thinking EZ-Zone? FreeFlow? Would congestion … [Read more...]
Ending the Free Ride
Socialized transportation and government land planning of the past generations have put an unintended burden on future generations. Trendczar, Jonathan Miller explains how the lifestyle of sprawl is becoming less economical for individuals and government: Ending the Free Ride … [Read more...]