Environmental and Urban Economics - Commuting Cost Arithmetic When people work in the suburbs, will they save many gallons of gasoline if they move to the center city? Yes, they will be closer to their center city friends and stores but they will still need to reverse commute by car to their … [Read more...]
link: Medieval Cities
I have little expertise in Medieval Cities and have little input, but thought it was interesting: Marginal Revolution - Medieval cities: Europe vs. the Arabic world also, Econlog - Producer and Consumer Cities Cities in the Arab world were on average much larger than those in Europe, … [Read more...]
Urban[ism] Legend: Zoning Creates Density
This post will be the first of many of an ongoing feature at Market Urbanism entitled Urbanism Legends. (a play on the term: "Urban Legends" in case you didn't catch that) In many public forums and in the blogosphere, I consistently encounter myths about land development and Urban Economics. These … [Read more...]
NYC 20-Somethings’ Stagnant Wages and Higher Cost of Living
I need help with this one. Is this a phenomenon of statistical cherry-picking or a true trend that should worry us? New York Observer - A Yoke for the White Collar New York’s college grads now hustle for jobs paying 1970s wages. Meet their coping mechanism—massive debt! A younger New Yorker … [Read more...]
Subsidies and Taxes Favor Owning Over Renting
Paul Krugman asks a question that has been addressed at Market Urbansim: But here’s a question rarely asked, at least in Washington: Why should ever-increasing homeownership be a policy goal? How many people should own homes, anyway? Listening to politicians, you’d think that every family … [Read more...]
Want Density? Turn the Free Market Loose
Matthew Yglesias - What Price Density The solution, as Ryan Avent says, is to build denser communities. We ought to build more transit infrastructure, of course, but it's cheaper to use what we already have more intensively. And, of course, it's more practical to build new infrastructure if there's … [Read more...]
Thank you Lynne Kiesling
Yesterday, Lynne Kiesling of Northwestern University encouraged readers of her popular economics blog, Knowledge Problem to visit Market Urbanism. The link generated the highest day of traffic to date. I hope visitors find Market Urbanism interesting and return often. Thank you for visiting … [Read more...]
Market Urbanism Debuts at #196 on Economics Blog Ranking
26econ.com keeps a ranking of top Economics Blogs, and Market Urbanism debuts at 196/255. Not bad for one month online..... Here is the announcement of new additions to the rankings: New Economics Blogs Thanks to loyal readers. Hopefully, Market Urbanism will move up the rankings quickly. … [Read more...]