Kevin Erdmann has a good op-ed in the Washington Post today, arguing one of the two core points that have defined his work for the past several years: Fannie and Freddie have set credit standards too high since 2007. (His other core point, that "closed access" superstar cities have made it too hard … [Read more...]
1. A report on (Western) European parking policies. Abstract of the abstract: Big on charging market rates for on-street parking, but also big on capping private developer's ability to build parking. I'd be interested to see an analysis like this done to see if the caps are actually set lower than … [Read more...]
Reinflating the housing bubble through the FHA?
I'd like to believe that, at least for another ten years or so, no amount of government money will be able to override investors' memories of the most recent housing bubble. But we may soon find out what lessons we really learned: While everyone has been watching Fannie and Freddie, the … [Read more...]
Weekend link megalist
This is probably my favorite link list yet...enjoy! 1. The WSJ claims that delinquent homeowners can expect to stay in their homes after making their last mortgage payment – that is, they can live rent-free – for at least 16 months. The longer it takes for foreclosures to happen, the longer it … [Read more...]
Econtalk Podcast: Shiller on Housing and Bubbles
Shiller on Housing and Bubbles Robert Shiller of Yale University talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about the current housing mess and related financial market problems. Shiller argues that the decade-long run up in housing prices was a bubble where speculative fervor outweighed any economic … [Read more...]