Anthony Ling, an excellent Brazilian blogger who also happens to be an avowed market urbanism, gives us an interesting look at the politics and economics of low-income housing in Brazil: In Brazil there is a vast regulation defining what are the minimum requirements to have a building approved by … [Read more...]
Why I don’t like Inclusionary Zoning
Inclusionary zoning is a hot item among urban planners today, and is often seen as a solution to residential segregation and high housing costs. Exact implementations vary, but the general idea is that developers of multi-unit housing projects are encouraged to set aside a certain percentage of … [Read more...]
Vancouver shows how seeking community amenities from developers can go horribly wrong
A lot of time I hear liberal urbanists claiming that trading development rights for community amenities (I'd definitely include affordable housing mandates here) is a win-win situation, but there's a real danger of killing the goose that laid the golden egg, as appears to be happening in … [Read more...]
Downtown Brooklyn’s $2 million affordable apartments (correction)
Inclusionary zoning is a bad enough idea, but at least it doesn't cost taxpayers anything directly. But New York State's Housing Finance Agency is taking the worst of both worlds – affordable housing mandates and public subsidies – and plopping them down in new luxury construction in the heart of … [Read more...]
Weekend links
1. Lydia DePillis responds. I'm all for upzoning only(/mostly) poor neighborhoods if that's all the extra density we can get (though here at Market Urbanism we're kind of utopians – we don't care much about political feasibility), but I'm not nearly as optimistic about inclusionary zoning as she … [Read more...]
Mandates that fall only on multifamily development
So I'm reading a PlanPhilly article about a proposal to mandate half-baths on the ground level and front doors without steps for new residential units ("visitability," they call it), and while I don't think that it's a bright idea to begin with, this part struck me as particularly dumb, albeit very … [Read more...]
LI Dems to councilman: oppose density so we can get reelected
Earlier today I was reading this article about "cupcake moms" at the local PTA mobilizing online against TOD in Huntington Station, a hamlet in Long Island, and while it looked like your average suburban NIMBY story, this part of the Long Island Press story jumped out at me: [Supervisor] Petrone … [Read more...]
Links, links, links!
1. An bill that would replace New Jersey's court-mandated patchwork of inclusionary zoning programs with a more uniform 10% affordable housing mandate has left advanced through its Assembly committee after passing the NJ Senate, though Chris Christie promised to veto it. 2. Last month I reported … [Read more...]