If you type “housing crisis” into Google search, “2008” is no longer the first result. The subprime mortgage crisis that toppled the global economy just a decade ago has been supplanted on Google trends by “housing crisis 2018.” This time, the crisis isn’t an overabundance of housing; it’s a chronic … [Read more...]
My Article at FreePo on the Resurrection of Rent Control
The Orange County Register’s new site, Freedom Politics just posted an article I wrote for them on rent control. Here’s a snippet: In these days of economists constantly debating the right way to revive the economy, it seems like there is no way to find consensus among economists. … [Read more...]
Talking points on the housing bubble
By Sandy Ikeda Last week I spoke to a standing-room-only crowd of students and faculty about the current economic and financial turmoil. I shared the podium with three of my colleagues, who range all the way from far to the left of Barack Obama to very, very far to the left of Barack Obama. … [Read more...]
Market Meltdown and Bailout Videos
Wow! This market is a mess. As a great follow up to his posts at CafeHayek on government's intervention in the housing market, Russell Roberts discusses the situation and bailout with reason.tv: Also... Here's the video from an Economics forum discussion at MIT (my Alma mater) on … [Read more...]
Russell Roberts on Government Intervention in Housing
Russell Roberts of George Mason University, CafeHayek, and Econtalk wrote of series of Cafe Hayek posts on the various federal interventions in the housing market: Housing markets without the benefit of hindsight Fannie reaches its goals--sort of Zero Down! Fannie and Freddie's other … [Read more...]