I've always said that some day spammers are going to become so creative in their filler content that it actually becomes better than the median good-faith commenter. Well, that day has finally arrived! From some Romanians spamming for a Bucharest car rental service on two articles on rent … [Read more...]
Premium link list
Recently I've been delaying posting a few things because I wanted to wait till I had more time to cover them, but I'm realizing that I'll probably have new things to write about on the 15th (which is when regular posting will hopefully resume), so have at it – your first ever premium link … [Read more...]
Exporting (sub)urbanism: Kuala Lumpur and the communist world
by Stephen Smith Adam Martin at William Easterly's development blog Aid Watch has a post up warning about the tendency among developing nations to adopt Western styles wholesale, even if such styles are not even efficient in their countries of origin. He posits this as a sort of developmental … [Read more...]