Final update: the Milwaukee River Greenway is hereby declared the Best Urban Path in the United States! Sadly, it's among those that I haven't yet visited, a situation I'll need to rectify. I've invited a few Greenway partisans to write a guest post about what makes it the best urban path in America … [Read more...]
Getting Hasidim and cars wrong- and what we can learn from this
I am currently reading A Fortress in Brooklyn, a (mostly) fine book about the relationship between Williamsburg's Satmar Hasidim and real estate policy. One chapter discusses Satmar opposition to bike lanes in their neighborhood, and suggests that one cause of this opposition might be that … [Read more...]
Reading Hayek in Holland
During a working vacation in the Netherlands, I had the dissonant experience of reading Friedrich Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom in one of the most comprehensively planned environments on earth. Hayek’s thesis is that central economic planning displaces competitive markets and, when broadly applied, … [Read more...]
Urban Mobility and Innovation with Anthony Ling at Stanford Graduate School of Business
I recently gave a talk on the topic of "Urban Mobility and Innovation" at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where I am currently studying. I was positively surprised by the turnout for the event as there are currently few formal groups focusing on urban issues at the GSB. The reason I did … [Read more...]
Parking In A DC Bike Lane Is Extremely Cost-effective, For Drivers
This month, the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) published an analysis citing traffic ticket data to illustrate the following point: Of the 723,237 parking tickets issued in this 5 month period, only 2,420 were for parking in bike lanes. That’s about 3 out of every 1,000 tickets. That … [Read more...]