Having failed to deregulate New York City's highly restrictive taxicab market, it looks like City Council and Bloomberg are opting for the populist reaction to NYC cabdrivers' frequent refusal to take you anywhere outside Manhattan and, if you're lucky, northwest Brooklyn: fines. Quoteth the Wall … [Read more...]
Yet another non-bike-related NYC transit reform bites the dust
Well that was quick: Mr. Bloomberg made the so-called "five-borough taxi plan" a centerpiece of his State of the City address in January. The proposal called for creating a new class of livery cabs, with meters and, perhaps, a single color, that would be allowed to pick up passengers on the street … [Read more...]
1. PlaNYC 2.0 may try to tackle off-street minimum parking requirements for new development, though Transportation Alternatives and Tri-State Transportation Campaign are skeptical. 2. The TLC has been cracking down on illegal livery cab street hails as the Bloomberg administration considers … [Read more...]
Russia links
1. "Experts have proposed increasing road taxes for Moscow drivers six or seven-fold in an effort to alleviate the Russian capital's notorious traffic congestion." 2. Moscow Mayor Sobyanin wants to regulate taxis, of which over 80% (!) are current unlicensed. Racial undertones abound ("They … [Read more...]
Newsflash: there’s no supply and demand in a centrally-planned market
The NYT has an absolutely boneheaded article about the shortage of taxicabs in Manhattan during the evening rush-hour. They blame rising Manhattan rents and cabbies' schedules, but the statists at the New York Times don't see the obvious glaring issue: controlled prices and a taxicab cartel! They … [Read more...]
Just give Access-a-Ride users cash!
The New York City MTA is starting a paratransit pilot program whereby it seeks to control skyrocketing Access-a-Ride costs by basically handing out unlimited vouchers for cabs for handicapped residents traveling below 96th Street in Manhattan, who would only have to pay $2.25 for each ride. I'm no … [Read more...]
A question and a link list
Hey guys, before I start this link list, I wanted to ask: Has anybody had trouble posting comments here with Disqus lately? Either you can't post them, or once you do they disappear? I've gotten two complaints in the last few days, so if you've been experiencing any problems please don't hesitate … [Read more...]