Earlier today I posted the video of the Cato discussion on housing with Randal O'Toole, Ryan Avent, Adam Gordon, and Matt Yglesias, but I wanted to transcribe one segment towards the end. (Like I said, it's hard to skip to the end of the streaming video because you can't scroll beyond what's already … [Read more...]
Market Urbanism vs. Market Suburbanism smackdown at Cato: “The Death and Life of Affordable Housing”
The debate you've been waiting for! Randal O'Toole, Matt Yglesias, Ryan Avent, and Adam Gordon participated yesterday in a discussion at the Cato Institute moderated by Diana Lind from Next American City/Forefront. (How had this never happened before??) Randal O'Toole did not disappoint, arriving … [Read more...]
Quote of the day
From Matt Yglesias: I never like to visit a place without checking out its local parking regulations. Whoa, and I thought I was bad! (He is, of course, talking about minimum parking requirements for developers, not day-to-day rules for people looking to park their cars.) If you're feeling … [Read more...]
Matt Yglesias’ proposal for reforming DC’s ANC’s
At the risk of turning Market Urbanism into Reblogging Matt Yglesias, here's another interesting post from the blogosphere's most famous market urbanist about reforming DC's Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) system. After discussing a recent decision by an ANC incumbent to deny Five Guys … [Read more...]