In response to David Albouy & Jason Faberman's new NBER paper, Skills, Migration and Urban Amenities over the Life Cycle, Lyman Stone asks if this means that cities will always have lower fertility? I think the answer is probably yes, but that's extrapolating beyond the paper at hand. What this … [Read more...]
Stone: Diversity didn’t cause the baby bust
There's a vigorous debate about whether various urban factors, like density, lower birth rates. In a new paper, Umit Gurun and David Solomon propose a new one that they claim accounts for 90% of the recent decline in birthrates: E Pluribus, Pauciores (Out of Many, Fewer): Diversity and Birth … [Read more...]
Why Should a Remote Worker Live in a City?
On Marginal Revolution today, Tyler Cowen responded to several questions from a commenter, Celestus, including one that more and more Americans are asking: “I’m a remote worker. Why should I live in a city? Heck, why should I live in a suburb?” Tyler’s answer was provocative: “You live in a city for … [Read more...]
what about singles?
Both smart growth supporters and sprawl apologists focus on the needs of families with children: sprawl defenders argue that only suburbia can accommodate the desires of parents, while some smart growth types argue that cities should require lots of two- and three-bedroom units downtown because … [Read more...]