Recently I've been delaying posting a few things because I wanted to wait till I had more time to cover them, but I'm realizing that I'll probably have new things to write about on the 15th (which is when regular posting will hopefully resume), so have at it – your first ever premium link … [Read more...]
Matt Yglesias’ proposal for reforming DC’s ANC’s
At the risk of turning Market Urbanism into Reblogging Matt Yglesias, here's another interesting post from the blogosphere's most famous market urbanist about reforming DC's Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) system. After discussing a recent decision by an ANC incumbent to deny Five Guys … [Read more...]
Midnight parking round-up
1. Donald Shoup makes up for last week with an interesting piece on how America's tax structure biases employers towards providing parking for their employees, similar to how untaxed employer-provided healthcare shapes that industry. 2. Back in August Randal O'Toole asked for proof that minimum … [Read more...]
Midnight links
1. Cap'n Transit weighs in on the ARC debate, and shows that Chris Christie is more interested in shifting resources to his suburban constituents than to cutting spending. Here's the best part: Editorial board member: What’s the difference between a gas tax hike and a fare hike, besides who it … [Read more...]
Shoupistas take Los Angeles
by Stephen Smith Donald Shoup and his arguments about free and underpriced parking have been getting quite a bit of press recently, and it looks like Shoup's hometown of Los Angeles has surpassed San Francisco (with its SFpark initiative) as the largest city in America to adopt some of his … [Read more...]