This is the last post in the series on Donald Shoup's The High Cost of Free Parking. Previous can be found here: Chapters 1 - 4 Chapters 5 - 9 Chapters 10 - 14 Chapters 16 - 18 Chapters 19 - 22 Preface In these two chapters, which Donald Shoup added for the paperback edition of … [Read more...]
The High Cost of Free Parking Chapters 19-22
This post from the series on Donald Shoup's The High Cost of Free Parking is reposted from last week because the site's database caused recent posts to be deleted. Chapter 19: The Ideal Source of Local Public Revenue In this chapter, Donald Shoup makes the case that passing up the potential … [Read more...]
The High Cost of Free Parking Chapters 16 – 18
This post follows on the earlier discussion of Donald Shoup's The High Cost of Free Parking. Chapter 16 -- Turning Small Change in Big Changes Here Donald Shoup gets to the idea of using Business Improvement Districts to manage street parking as Brandon Smith mentioned in the last post's … [Read more...]
The High Cost of Free Parking Chapters 10-14
This post follows on the earlier discussion of the The High Cost of Free Parking. I realized that I left a couple of important points out of the last post. First, Shoup applies the Hippocratic Oath of "first, do no harm," to parking requirements. What a great way to think about city planning. If … [Read more...]
The High Cost of Free Parking Chapters 5-9
This post follows on the earlier discussion of the first four chapters of The High Cost of Free Parking. Chapter 5- A Great Planning Disaster Shoup sets up parking requirements as a great planning disaster. If an individual developer chose to dedicate more of his land to parking than his … [Read more...]
The High Cost of Free Parking Chapters 1-4
Here's the first installation of Market Urbanism Book Club, covering the first four chapters of Donald Shoup's The High Cost of Free Parking. If you've read the book previously or are reading along, please share your thoughts and questions in the comments. Chapter 1: Shoup outlines the unusual … [Read more...]
A far-too-long rebuttal of Randal O’Toole on parking
Donald Shoup and Randal O'Toole – they just can't get enough of each other! Donald Shoup, you may recall, is the granddaddy of free market parking policy, and Randal O'Toole is the self-styled Antiplanner. Though they both claim to be libertarians, they seem to have some pretty fundamental … [Read more...]
Yet another town moves from parking minimums to maximums with no stop in between
Despite its ridiculously biased opening sentence ("Fairfax County residents will have a harder time finding a free parking space in some neighborhoods if transportation planners get their way"), the Washington Post actually has a relatively informative article on potential new parking maximums in … [Read more...]