This year, for the first time since 1979, New York City has revamped its subway map. A quick glance shows a change in the background tinge from light tan to light green – most pleasant. To my relief, however, on closer inspection nothing essential has changed from the last version. Thank goodness it still doesn’t look anything like the map of London’s Underground.
London’s map has been touted as the path-breaking paradigm of subway maps, the object of widespread acclaim and imitation. Indeed, most major cities’ transit systems have adopted the map’s efficient symmetry, which was created by Harry Beck back in 1931 during the heyday of high modernism.
Here it is (pdf).
It’s easy to see why it has won praise. It’s beautiful, looking like a two-dimensional version of a uranium molecule or the lattice of some fantastic crystal. The same could be said for the maps of the underground systems of Paris and Tokyo.
It’s about Usefulness
As you’ve probably already guessed, however, I don’t like it. And it’s not about aesthetics. Here’s the problem:
I’m just one person, of course (although here’s another guy who seems to agree with me), but when I’m in London I find myself constantly frustrated when I try to get from place to place using that map. The problem is that I need two maps: the Underground map to tell me how to get from, say, Paddington to Notting Hill Gate, and a street map to tell me exactly where the heck Notting Hill Gate is in relation to Paddington. The former abstracts from so much street-level detail that, unless you’re already familiar with the layout of London, the map, rather increasing the efficiency of travel via mass transit, actually makes it more cumbersome.
New York City’s subway map on the other hand, while it’s no substitute for a detailed street map if you’re looking for a particular address, at least gets you in the ball park (and I mean Camden Yards, not Comerica Park).
In other words, you can tell that when you exit the station at Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall in Lower Manhattan, that it’s a reasonable walk (east and a bit south) to “Ground Zero” and the former World Trade Center. The older version actually had some streets indicated, which would make navigation even easier, but it’s still less perplexing than London’s map.
Unlike the London map with its sharp angles and clean almost geologic geometry, New York’s map looks strikingly like the circulatory system of a living organism with its curves, seemingly arbitrary intersections, and uneven gaps.
The Deeper Point
In a sense, it may seem silly to criticize a map for being abstract, since, well, that’s what maps are supposed to do or else they would be useless. But there is such a thing as being too abstract. Maps should not abstract from what is essential to its purpose, which is to facilitate travel.
Part of the difference, of course, is due to the difference in the geography of London versus New York. The latter is sited on the mainland of the United States plus three islands (Long, Staten, and Manhattan). But Paris, and certainly Seattle, are also sited on islands, yet their maps are largely symmetric.
Again, it’s not just that some people prefer visual symmetry and elegance more than others, such as myself. After all, de gustibus non est disputandum. (Although, of course, the name of this column is Wabi-sabi – see my earlier post explaining the term.)
No, the deeper point is this: The unhelpful emphasis on the geometry of straight parallel lines in the case of the non-New York maps reflects, I believe, an attitude fundamentally at odds with a vigorous, dynamic city. They sacrifice useful contextual information, in the form of the messy windiness of the actual subway lines beneath the sometimes chaotic-looking streets, in favor of a certain clean Euclidean aesthetic. But as Jane Jacobs once said, a living city cannot be a work of art, the mere creation of a human mind, even if that mind is a genius. A living city is, as F. A. Hayek might describe it, “the result of human action but not of human design.”
And in trying to impose a neat, efficient, symmetrical orderliness onto what the architect Rem Koolhaas aptly termed “delirious New York,” you would pay a high price in comprehension lost. So the maps of London and the others ignore the inevitable but indispensable inefficiency and seeming chaos of a vibrant, creative city — and that’s why I don’t like them.
And, of course, I’m always getting lost when I use them.
Sandy Ikeda
Sandy Ikeda is a professor of economics at Purchase College, SUNY, and the author of The Dynamics of the Mixed Economy: Toward a Theory of Interventionism. He is a member of the FEE Faculty Network.
This article was originally published on Read the original article.
Come on, man! You’re really criticizing the subway maps for “ignoring inefficiency and chaos”? Either you’re actually just trolling here, or you actually believe you ought to be able to use a subway map for walking directions. I bet your highway map doesn’t do you much good when you want to go for a walk in the woods, either. Man, this Spanish-English dictionary is useless! It doesn’t have any German translations!
I’m totally with you on this. Metro maps that have very little spatial relation to reality are very unhelpful and disorienting when you’re in a strange city. You could probably find evidence that the reductive maps have some relation to the reductive philosophy of planners. See Bill Hillier’s justified graph for an example.
Completely disagree. Metro maps are not a replacement for a geographically accurate map and are not supposed to be used for pinpoint-accuracy navigation except between stations. UTA tried this and the results were disastrous. NYC is a bit of an outlier for this – it gets you in the ballpark for sure, but trying to use it for surface navigation is absolutely absurd. Please tell me this article is a joke.
Horrible, geographically accurate map:
Helpful metro map that doesn’t try to be anything more than a metro map:
This article seems to be missing an important point: not all cities are the same, and not all cities are served best by the same type of map.
Manhattan, with its rigid grid layout, is a city where location in absolute terms is something people are constantly aware of, and that strongly affects the way people think about place. The one place where the layout tends to break down, the lower part of the island, is also relatively small, so information about the physical adjacency of stations becomes more important. So for NYC, a physically-grounded subway map makes quite a bit of sense.
[I’ll talk mainly about Tokyo, because that’s the city I’m most familiar with.]
In Tokyo people for the most part do not think about where they are geographically except in the most crude sense. Rather they think in “network terms”: location is defined in relation to the rail network, and physical accuracy only matters on a very small scale, at a level far too fine to put on a map of the entire city. Furthermore, Tokyo’s rail network is so huge that the extra layout latitude provided by an abstract map is actually very important in simply fitting in everything.
Given those two issues, a physically based map of Tokyo’s rail network would simply confuse things, and provide little positive benefit.
Two different cities, two different ways of thinking about place, two different types of maps.
You can’t be serious, he is quite right. The New York map is better.
That’s apples to oranges. London ain’t a grid, and its subway system covers a much larger land area, thus a London subway map doesn’t lend itself to being used for navigating both the underground and the streets. It’s great that the layout of New York allows for the subway map to serve a dual purpose, but its ludicrous to criticize the subway maps of other cities for failing in this regard. Old man yells at clouds.