1. “Gen Y/Millennials” want density. Ha! Sucks for them.
2. Mini-bleg: Does anyone know what “building regulations” are preventing this proposed Jackson Heights building from having windows on one side?
3. Southwest DC, before and after highways/urban renewal, in pictures.
5. Palm Beach County wants to allow private developers to build along West Palm Beach’s train line and bus stops, but Mayor Lois Frankel wants a sports stadium.
6. St. Louis got money from Obama’s stimulus to hire consulting firms to upzone the city’s dense neighborhoods.
“Ha! Sucks for them.”
You think the country isn’t moving in that direction?
It is, but very slowly. Downtown Brooklyn still has parking minimums, for christsake!
Ah, but that’s because you forgot the second key fact: Millenials don’t vote…
As for the ‘no windows’, maybe the wall is too close to the property line?
88% of Millennials want urban living? Where did they do this poll, San Francisco?
As a “Millennial” who has zero desire to live in the ‘burbs myself, I doubt that statistic very much.
That said, the percentage IS there, even if its not 88%. The desire for some “urban style amenities” and walkability will at least bring this generation more into streetcar suburb style development rather than sprawlburbs.
That’s the problem with statistics – most of them are utterly meaningless. In this case, “urban” might mean “not rural” – who knows? Also, the equivalent statistic for the previous generation is not given, which kind of undermines the whole premise of the article.
The story from St. Louis is actually about St. Louis County, the suburbs surrounding the central city (which is its own distinct county).