Matthew Yglesias - What Price Density The solution, as Ryan Avent says, is to build denser communities. We ought to build more transit infrastructure, of course, but it's cheaper to use what we already have more intensively. And, of course, it's more practical to build new infrastructure if there's … [Read more...]
Search Results for: parking
Roads: US vs Europe
Pick Your Road: The U.S. vs. Europe, by Bryan CaplanIn the U.S., we have low gas taxes, low car taxes, few tolls, strict zoning that leads developers to provide lots of free parking, low speed limits, lots of traffic enforcement, and lots of congestion.In Europe (France and Germany … [Read more...]
Private Streets in Brooklyn?
This isn't some crazy proposal, they have been private since the 20's and 30's. It seems there are advantages and disadvantages. You don't have to worry about street parking when you own the street, but you have to hire your own contractor to make repairs. My main concern is that those homeowners … [Read more...]
Abolition of Density Restrictions Would be Great for NYC In The Long Run
Tyler Cowen of Marginal Revolution asks a great question: How good would the abolition of zoning in New York City be? He argues that zoning restrictions prevent Manhattan from being a "forest of skyscrapers" such as Sao Paulo.Many of Manhattan's skyscrapers are much taller than typical Sao Paulo … [Read more...]
Links to Articles, Academic Papers and Books
Index: Highways Rent Control Urbanism Zoning Environment Highways Abolishing Government Improves the Roads by Brad EdmondsAll roads do not lead to congestion by Jim PeronCongestion and Road Pricing by Walter BlockDo Roads Pay for Themselves? by TxDOTFree Market … [Read more...]