Comments on: The Great American Streetcar Myth Liberalizing cities | From the bottom up Fri, 14 Jan 2022 17:30:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robert Smart Mon, 18 Sep 2017 03:05:00 +0000 GM killed their EV1 and crushed them all like they did to electric street transport earlier in the piece, Chene street which starts in a GM factory carpark in Detroit is a complete mess, look on Google Earth. GM have no corporate responsibility, they should have been allowed to fail whereas Lehman brothers should have been kept afloat and given new management.

By: windskisong Thu, 08 Jun 2017 13:02:00 +0000 No, but he uses the terms interchangeably several times.

By: George Tue, 28 Feb 2017 03:27:00 +0000 …So the owners wealthy beyond belief but the price freeze and road tax were a crippling squeeze…What?

By: albeit Thu, 05 Jan 2017 05:25:00 +0000 Does the author say that liberal and progressive are interchangeable?

By: John Sun, 04 Dec 2016 17:19:00 +0000 If the streetcar demise was inevitable, then why did GM, Firestone, Standard Oil (among others) create a holding company to purchase streetcar operators and tear up their tracks?

Perhaps liberal planning professionals need a simple scapegoat in corporate America, and some writers need a simple scapegoat in “liberal planning professionals.”

By: M Doc Codispoti Sun, 16 Oct 2016 04:51:00 +0000 Heavy on the slant much? Very slanted word choices used throughout.

By: cpzilliacus Mon, 14 Mar 2016 14:04:00 +0000 The streetcar system in the District of Columbia (and some nearby parts of Maryland) was ordered shut-down and replaced by buses by congressional mandate (in those days, D.C. had no elected government of any kind) after a long and nasty transit workers strike in 1956.

The pre-strike holder of the transit franchise in D.C., Louis Wolfson’s Capital Transit Company (CTCo) was replaced by O. Roy Chalk’s D.C. Transit System, Inc. (as a condition of taking over the transit franchise, D.C. Transit was contractually required to cease all electric street railway operations by 1962, and the last streetcars (until recently) rolled on D.C. streets in January 1962). Chalk actually wanted to keep streetcars (the system and rolling stock were generally in good condition), but Congress refused to reconsider. Fares were set by the D.C. Public Service Commission and its Maryland counterpart for service crossing into Montgomery County and Prince George’s County.

General Motors,Chevron and the rest of the “conspiracy” had nothing to do with it.

By: Dan Mon, 14 Mar 2016 12:27:00 +0000 Sounds more or less like what’s happening between Uber and Taxis.
